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The budget should include estimated costs for items necessary for conducting the research (not the stipend amount). Budgets should not exceed $1500. Stipends will be awarded for 10 weeks of work during the summer after graduation, unless otherwise requested in the timeline. Proposals for shorter or longer durations can be submitted and will be reviewed. A letter of support from the faculty mentor (sent separately to Kayla Johnston johnstonk@reed.edu). Application Guidelines: The application should be prepared in consultation with the faculty mentor and should not exceed 5 pages total, including the cover sheet and letter of support. Applications should be submitted via HYPERLINK "https://forms.gle/pyqTCUE4rQuJHhS47"this google form. Please note that your signed coversheet and proposal must be uploaded to the form as two separate PDFs. Applications will be reviewed by Biology Faculty. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Wed April 2, 2025. Cover Sheet Information Title:  FORMTEXT       Applicant Name (print):  FORMTEXT      Applicant Signature: Major (print):  FORMTEXT      Advisor Name (print):  FORMTEXT      Advisor Signature: Date:  FORMTEXT      Date submitted:  FORMTEXT              !"m  b  2 D G H S _ ` "#'(WXYӿ۵߰ߡߝے}jhW5U\ hW5\jhW5U\hV$N h/Lh xh_V`h x6 h x6h7h76]h7h70Jjh7Ujh7Uh7h xh x5:@CJaJh`+:h x5:@CJaJ,!"  b G H ` 67rst  dh$If`gd xl $a$gd x^gd x & Fgd xgd x$0^`0a$gd@[Yijkl+3567CX[_bcijoqrstǿڈ{tit[ijh_V`h xUjh_V`h xU h_V`h xhU,h x5 h x5h_V`h x5h*xh x6CJaJh7CJaJhWCJaJhhCJaJhsCJaJh>CJaJhQ&CJaJh*xh xCJaJh x h/Lh xh7jhW5U\hWh70J5\!  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