

Recent Obituaries
In Memoriam Archive

Mark Alan Koop ’71

A picture of Mark Koop

Mark Alan Koop ’71, August 20, 2008, in Berkeley, California, following a brief illness related to sarcoidosis. Mark received a BA from Reed in classics in 1973. From the University of Washington, he earned an MA in classics (literature), and from UCLA, a JD in 1985. He was admitted to the California, Oregon, and Washington state bars; and was a member of the American Bar Association. Mark had an extraordinary depth of knowledge in such subjects as classical music, opera, literature, and history. He enjoyed theatre and was a regular attendee at the alumni weekend at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. “Mark truly loved Reed and those conferences that the college hosted in Ashland. I'm now especially pleased that we were able to get to those several sessions where he could revel again in an atmosphere of learning and critical thought,” said his partner of 36 years, Todd Snow, who survives him. Additionally, Mark is survived by his mother, sister, and brother.

Appeared in Reed magazine: February 2009