A consistent, predictable layout helps all students find their assignments. Neurodivergent students and students with cognitive disabilities in particular benefit from thoughtful course page design.
- Most faculty at Reed use a weekly course format. If you choose to use a topics-based format, we recommend organizing material chronologically within the topic sections so students can easily locate assignments for each class session.
- It is generally easier for students and more accessible to keep track of assignments if they are added to Moodle, rather than shared only in a separate syllabus.
- If you think your course schedule may change, use text and media areas in Moodle to provide more information about daily assignments. These can easily be dragged and dropped to another week or topic if necessary.
- Be sure to add titles to text and media areas. These titles will show up in the course index and make it easier for students to locate information.
- Follow accessibility recommendations when using the Moodle text editor.