
International Affairs & Public Policy


What counts as an IA/PP course?

IA/PP courses engage in international, comparative, and/or policy analysis from a wide variety of perspectives.

  • International includes, but is not limited to, relationships that occur between, across, or among countries; phenomena within countries that affect those relationships; and effects of those relationships on countries; global or transnational organizations, structures, cultures, governance systems, and other phenomena. Examples include war, trade, globalization, foreign policy, and international development. 
  • Comparative includes, but is not limited to, the explicit and systematic comparison of social phenomena across organizational units (cities, counties, states, countries, regions, etc.) or time with a focus on patterns of similarity and difference using concepts that are applicable across the dimensions of comparison. Examples include comparisons of domestic policy, voting, corruption, repertoires of violence, and policy processes.
  • Policy includes, but is not limited to, formal laws, rules, or regulations as well as institutional norms, principles, and practices that direct or influence the actions, behaviors, and decisions of others whether through public, private, or hybrid governance systems.

International Affairs courses must have an international or comparative focus. Public Policy courses must have a policy focus.

The Public Policy major has two core courses: POL 260 - Introduction to American Politics and Public Policy and ECON 201 - Introduction to Economic Analysis. The International Affairs major has one core course, POL 240 - Introduction to International Relations, and very strongly recommends coursework in comparative analysis; if possible, the major application should include at least one and ideally more than one course from the list below.

Comparative Analysis

  • Anthropology
    • ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Health or
    • ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Political Ecology
  • History
    • HIST 240 - World Environmental History
    • HIST 256 - Migration Histories in the British Imperial World
    • HIST 315 - Defining and Defying Difference: Race, Ethnicity, and Empire
    • HIST 334 - Race and the Politics of Decolonization
  • Political Science
    • POL 220 - Introduction to Global Politics
    • POL 230 - Introduction to Political Economy
  • Sociology
    • SOC 322 - Gender and Work
    • SOC 337 - The Collapse of Communism
    • SOC 340 - American Capitalism

International Affairs Courses

ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Health
ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Political Ecology
ANTH 320 - Social Movements, Protests, and Historical Change in South Asia
ANTH 324 - Sport and Society
ANTH 330 - Decolonizing Material Culture and Museums
ANTH 332 - Mesoamerican Archaeology
ANTH 333 - Local and Global Indigenous Archaeologies
ANTH 334 - Queer Politics and Pleasures
ANTH 337 - Black Ecologies in the Americas
ANTH 341 - Medical Anthropology
ANTH 343 - African Pasts, African Futures
ANTH 345 - Black Queer Diaspora
ANTH 347 - Outbreak, Emergency, Pandemic: Anthropology of Health Systems
ANTH 357 - Comparative Fascisms
ANTH 361 - The Middle East: Culture and Politics
ANTH 363 - Race and Transnational China
ANTH 364 - Global Tibet through Film
ANTH 365 - The Anthropology of Development in Post-Mao China
ANTH 374 - Urban Anthropology
ANTH 375 - Anthropology of Science
ANTH 376 - Situating Climate Change
ANTH 378 - Nature, Culture, and Environmentalism
ANTH 379 - Resource-making through the Mediterranean
ANTH 391 - Legal Anthropology
ANTH 395 - Globalization
ECON 281 - Revolution and Reform in Chinese Agriculture
ECON 328 - Latin America: Economic History and Policy Challenges
ECON 342 - International Macroeconomics
ECON 364 - Economics of Population, Gender, and Race
ECON 366 - Jobs, Technology, and Trade
ECON 371 - Law and Economics
ECON 382 - Economics of Development
ECON 383 - International Trade
ECON 385 - China’s Economy in Transition
ECON 393 - Global Health and Consumer Behavior
HIST 206 - Anti-Colonial Movements in Africa and the Middle East
HIST 207 - Gender in the Middle East
HIST 223 - Early Modern China and the World: 1300-1900
HIST 224 - Modern China through Foreign Eyes: 1800-1980
HIST 225 - The History of Slavery and Human Trade in East Asia Since 1200
HIST 240 - World Environmental History
HIST 251 - Slander, Censorship, and Surveillance in Modern European History
HIST 256 - Migration Histories in the British Imperial World
HIST 282 - The Mexican Revolution
HIST 303 - The History of the Sahara
HIST 307 - War and Peace in Europe, 1700-1914
HIST 315 - Defining and Defying Difference: Race, Ethnicity, and Empire
HIST 321 - The History of Sexuality and Society in East Asia Since 1200
HIST 322 - China’s Frontiers since 1600
HIST 325 - History of Technologies in Imperial and Modern China: 1500-2000
HIST 334 - Race and the Politics of Decolonization
HIST 370 - The Tragedies of American Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Policy since 1893
HIST 388 - Race and Ethnicity in the Andes
HIST 389 - Labor in Modern Latin America
Political Science
POL 220 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 230 - Introduction to Political Economy
POL 240 - Introduction to International Relations
POL 320 - Politics and Society in Latin America
POL 322 - Social Movements
POL 324 - Human Rights in Latin America
POL 326 - Capitalism and Its Critics
POL 331 - Money, Finance, and Empire
POL 335 - Gender and Politics in the U.S. and Latin America
POL 338 - Energy Politics and the Climate Crisis
POL 344 - International Environmental Politics
POL 346 - International Political Economy
POL 347 - Politics of International Development
POL 350 - Networks and Social Structure
POL 351 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Science
POL 352 - Special Topics in International Comparative Policy Studies
POL 359 - Weapons, Technology, and War
POL 444 - Global Catastrophic Risks
SOC 280 - Social Movements
SOC 322 - Gender and Work
SOC 326 - Science and Social Difference
SOC 331 - Topics in Organizational Analysis: Cooperatives, Nonprofits
SOC 337 - The Collapse of Communism
SOC 340 - American Capitalism
SOC 348 - Race, Economy, Public Policy
SOC 380 - Networks and Social Structure

Public Policy Courses


ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Health
ANTH 201 - Topics in Contemporary Anthropology - Global Political Ecology
ANTH 341 - Medical Anthropology
ANTH 347 - Outbreak, Emergency, Pandemic: Anthropology of Health Systems
ANTH 365 - The Anthropology of Development in Post-Mao China
ANTH 374 - Urban Anthropology
ANTH 375 - Anthropology of Science
ANTH 376 - Situating Climate Change
ANTH 378 - Nature, Culture, and Environmentalism
ANTH 379 - Resource-making through the Mediterranean
ANTH 391 - Legal Anthropology
ANTH 395 - Globalization


ECON 281 - Revolution and Reform in Chinese Agriculture
ECON 328 - Latin America: Economic History and Policy Challenges
ECON 342 - International Macroeconomics
ECON 345 - Financial Economics
ECON 348 - Economics of the Public Sector
ECON 351 - Environmental Economics
ECON 352 - Natural Resource Economics
ECON 358 - Urban Economics
ECON 362 - Industrial Organization
ECON 364 - Economics of Population, Gender, and Race
ECON 366 - Jobs, Technology, and Trade
ECON 371 - Law and Economics
ECON 382 - Economics of Development
ECON 383 - International Trade
ECON 385 - China’s Economy in Transition
ECON 393 - Global Health and Consumer Behavior


HIST 251 - Slander, Censorship, and Surveillance in Modern European History
HIST 272 - Gender and the American Family
HIST 310 - Water and the American West
HIST 369 - Race and the Law in American History
HIST 370 - The Tragedies of American Diplomacy: U.S. Foreign Policy since 1893
HIST 389 - Labor in Modern Latin America

Political Science

POL 230 - Introduction to Political Economy
POL 240 - Introduction to International Relations
POL 260 - Introduction to American Politics and Public Policy
POL 322 - Social Movements
POL 326 - Capitalism and Its Critics
POL 331 - Money, Finance, and Empire
POL 338 - Energy Politics and the Climate Crisis
POL 344 - International Environmental Politics
POL 346 - International Political Economy
POL 347 - Politics of International Development
POL 351 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Science
POL 352 - Special Topics in International Comparative Policy Studies
POL 359 - Weapons, Technology, and War
POL 362 - State and Local Politics
POL 368 - Environmental Politics and Policy
POL 369 - Public Policy
POL 444 - Global Catastrophic Risks


SOC 231 - Organizations
SOC 280 - Social Movements
SOC 322 - Gender and Work
SOC 326 - Science and Social Difference
SOC 331 - Topics in Organizational Analysis: Cooperatives, Nonprofits
SOC 337 - The Collapse of Communism
SOC 340 - American Capitalism
SOC 348 - Race, Economy, Public Policy