
International Affairs & Public Policy

Junior Qualifying Examination

The Junior Qualifying Examination consists of passing the home department qual and turning in a thesis proposal to the Committee. In the proposal, students propose a research question, discussing its significance; briefly review the relevant literature; propose a methodology to be used in researching the topic; and present a short bibliography of relevant secondary works and/or primary sources. In the proposal, students describe why and how a supplementary disciplinary perspective (outside of the home department) will be incorporated. The proposal is 4–5 pages (1000–1250 words), not including the bibliography. The sample design illustrates these requirements.

Students are given two weeks to write the proposal, which is typically taken after the department qual. They are officially notified of the start of the qual on Monday of Week 12 (Week 11 of instruction). It is due to the Chair via email by 9 AM on Friday of Week 14.